Regain Control, Lose Make-up.

Blue Light LED is an advanced medical grade skin treatment that is a powerful weapon against active acne, reducing the visible appearance of inflammation on the treated area.

By using light to penetrate the skin, LED Blue Light not only treats acne but stimulates mechanisms that can help reduce lines with noticeable results. By stimulating dermal blood flow, LED dramatically increases healing times.

It’s a painless treatment that puts you back in control of your skin.


The Cosmetic Science Explained.

This treatment works by reducing the bacteria that causes acne. The blue light works by targeting the bacteria found in the oil glands of the skin in a non-invasive and gentle way. Also known as Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT) it is a fantastic treatment for improving healing times, subsiding active acne and promoting skin rejuvenation.


How many treatments will I need?

We recommend multiple sessions to ensure you are continually treating the active skin condition and to enhance long term results. Unlike other treatments there is absolutely no downtime or risk of scarring.

Also, talk to our trained skin therapists about how you can best manage and treat your breakouts on an ongoing basis.